Unlike other components in the RadarSimX
toolkit, RadarSimCpp
is distributed under a commercial license to safeguard its proprietary technology. While precompiled libraries are readily available for integration, access to the source code requires a separate licensing agreement. Organizations seeking full source code access for customization or advanced integration can submit the form below for a detailed quote.
%%{init: { 'theme': 'default', 'themeVariables': { 'fontSize': '18px', 'mainBkg': '#ffffff' }, 'flowchart': { 'nodeSpacing': 50, 'rankSpacing': 100, 'padding': 5, 'width': 90 } }}%% flowchart RL A["``"]:::rectangle B["`RadarSimCppC++/CUDA engine`"]:::rectangle C["`RadarSimPyPython module`"]:::rectangle D["`RadarSimLibC wrapper library`"]:::rectangle E["`RadarSimMMATLAB module`"]:::rectangle B --> A C --> A D --> C E --> B classDef rectangle rect,fill:#ffffff,color:#53a757,stroke:#53a757,rx:10,ry:10,padding:0 click A "https://radarsimx.com/radarsimx/radarsimcpp/" "RadarSimCpp" click B "https://radarsimx.com/radarsimx/radarsimpy/" "RadarSimPy" click C "https://radarsimx.com/radarsimx/radarsimlib/" "RadarSimLib" click D "https://radarsimx.com/radarsimx/radarsimm/" "RadarSimM" click E "https://radarsimx.com/radarsimx/radarsimnb/" "RadarSimNb"RadarSimNbJupyter notebooks